Currently viewing in Annual Enrollment


Enrolling is easy! You can enroll online using your computer or smartphone.


You should enroll on the MyBenefits site.

Visit the myNestlé tab on Our Nest and click on the My Health & Wellbeing tab. Then under I Want To, click View my Current Benefits​.

Note: You must be connected to the VPN to access myNestlé.


Log in to
Note: You may have to register as a new user if you have not logged in recently.

Watch this video to learn step-by-step instructions on how to navigate the MyBenefits site.

Step-by-Step Instructions


Call the Nestlé Benefits Service Center at 1-877-637-2255 and follow the prompts.


Never miss important benefits information. Sign up for text reminders when you enroll. (Expect just a few messages each year.)

How to Register

  1. Log in to MyBenefits.
  2. Click on the drop-down arrow next to your name and then My Information box.
  3. In the My Information section, scroll down until you see Text Message Notifications.
  4. Input your mobile number to agree to receive text messages about your benefits.

Note: You may opt out at any time.

Important: Dependent Verification Image

Important: Dependent Verification

If you are enrolling any dependents (spouse, domestic partner or children up to age 26), you must provide dependent verification documents in order for them to be covered. While you have 60 days from the effective date to submit this documentation, you should provide it immediately when enrolling so there are no delays in coverage. Please note that during enrollment, any added dependents will appear as pending and the rates shown will not reflect coverage of the dependents until verification has occurred.